ÿþ<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3c.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>telefono</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1253"> <META content="Created with Hot Potatoes by Half-Baked Software, registered to Leonor Quintana." name=author></META> <META content="Hot Potatoes, Half-Baked Software, Windows, University of Victoria" name=keywords></META><!--<body>Fool those dumb ad-inserting ISPs</body>--> <STYLE type=text/css>BODY { COLOR: #003300; FONT-FAMILY: Geneva,Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff } DIV.Titles { LEFT: 10%; WIDTH: 80%; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 5px; TEXT-ALIGN: center } TD.NavBar { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #006600; TEXT-ALIGN: center } DIV.CardStyle { BORDER-RIGHT: 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BORDER-TOP: 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; LEFT: -1px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; OVERFLOW: visible; BORDER-LEFT: 1px solid; COLOR: #000000; PADDING-TOP: 2px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Geneva,Arial; POSITION: absolute; TOP: -1px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFEFD5 } DIV.Feedback { BORDER-RIGHT: 1px; PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BORDER-TOP: 1px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 1px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; BORDER-LEFT: 1px; COLOR: #003300; PADDING-TOP: 2px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; TEXT-ALIGN: center } </STYLE> <SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript> //<![CDATA[ <!-- function BrowserCheck() { var b = navigator.appName this.mac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') != -1) if (b=="Netscape") this.b = 'ns' else if (b=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = 'ie' else this.b = b this.version = navigator.appVersion this.v = parseInt(this.version) this.ns = (this.b=="ns" && this.v>=5) this.ns5 = (this.b=="ns" && this.v==5) this.ns6 = (this.b=="ns" && this.v==5) this.ie = (this.b=="ie" && this.v>=4) this.ie4 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 4')>0) this.ie5 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0) if (this.mac) this.ie = this.ie5 this.ie5mac = (this.ie5 && this.mac); this.min = (this.ns||this.ie) } is = new BrowserCheck(); if (is.min == false){ alert('Your browser can\'t handle this page. You need NS6 or IE5.'); history.back(); } function Card(ID){ this.elm=document.getElementById(ID); this.name=ID; this.css=this.elm.style; this.elm.style.left = 0 +'px'; this.elm.style.top = 0 +'px'; this.HomeL = 0; this.HomeT = 0; this.tag=-1; this.index=-1; // this.obj=ID+'Card'; // eval(this.obj+'=this'); } function CardGetL(){return parseInt(this.css.left)} Card.prototype.GetL=CardGetL; function CardGetT(){return parseInt(this.css.top)} Card.prototype.GetT=CardGetT; function CardGetW(){return parseInt(this.elm.offsetWidth)} Card.prototype.GetW=CardGetW; function CardGetH(){return parseInt(this.elm.offsetHeight)} Card.prototype.GetH=CardGetH; function CardGetB(){return this.GetT()+this.GetH()} Card.prototype.GetB=CardGetB; function CardGetR(){return this.GetL()+this.GetW()} Card.prototype.GetR=CardGetR; function CardSetL(NewL){this.css.left = NewL+'px'} Card.prototype.SetL=CardSetL; function CardSetT(NewT){this.css.top = NewT+'px'} Card.prototype.SetT=CardSetT; function CardSetW(NewW){this.css.width = NewW+'px'} Card.prototype.SetW=CardSetW; function CardSetH(NewH){this.css.height = NewH+'px'} Card.prototype.SetH=CardSetH; function CardInside(X,Y){ var Result=false; if(X>=this.GetL()){if(X<=this.GetR()){if(Y>=this.GetT()){if(Y<=this.GetB()){Result=true;}}}} return Result; } Card.prototype.Inside=CardInside; function CardSwapColours(){ var c=this.css.backgroundColor; this.css.backgroundColor=this.css.color; this.css.color=c; } Card.prototype.SwapColours=CardSwapColours; function CardHighlight(){ this.css.backgroundColor='#000000'; this.css.color='#98FB98'; } Card.prototype.Highlight=CardHighlight; function CardUnhighlight(){ this.css.backgroundColor='#aaddaa'; this.css.color='#000000'; } Card.prototype.Unhighlight=CardUnhighlight; function CardOverlap(OtherCard){ var smR=(this.GetR()<(OtherCard.GetR()+10))? this.GetR(): (OtherCard.GetR()+10); var lgL=(this.GetL()>OtherCard.GetL())? this.GetL(): OtherCard.GetL(); var HDim=smR-lgL; if (HDim<1){return 0;} var smB=(this.GetB()<OtherCard.GetB())? this.GetB(): OtherCard.GetB(); var lgT=(this.GetT()>OtherCard.GetT())? this.GetT(): OtherCard.GetT(); var VDim=smB-lgT; if (VDim<1){return 0;} return (HDim*VDim); } Card.prototype.Overlap=CardOverlap; function CardDockToR(OtherCard){ this.SetL(OtherCard.GetR() + 5); this.SetT(OtherCard.GetT()); } Card.prototype.DockToR=CardDockToR; function CardSetHome(){ this.HomeL=this.GetL(); this.HomeT=this.GetT(); } Card.prototype.SetHome=CardSetHome; function CardGoHome(){ this.SetL(this.HomeL); this.SetT(this.HomeT); } Card.prototype.GoHome=CardGoHome; var CorrectResponse = 'Correcto!'; var IncorrectResponse = 'Int&eacute;ntalo de nuevo! . Los errores se han quitado.'; var YourScoreIs = 'Tu puntuaci&oacute;n es '; var Correction = '[strCorrection]'; var DivWidth = 400; //default value var FeedbackWidth = 200; //default var ExBGColor = '#aaddaa'; var PageBGColor = '#ffffff'; var TextColor = '#000000'; var TitleColor = '#003300'; var Penalties = 0; var CurrDrag = -1; var topZ = 100; function PageDim(){ //Get the page width and height this.W = 600; this.H = 400; if (is.ns) this.W = window.innerWidth; if (is.ie) this.W = document.body.clientWidth; if (is.ns) this.H = window.innerHeight; if (is.ie) this.H = document.body.clientHeight; } var pg = null; var DivWidth = 600; var DragWidth = 250; var LeftColPos = 100; var RightColPos = 500; var DragTop = 120; //Fixed and draggable card arrays FC = new Array(); DC = new Array(); function doDrag(e) { if (CurrDrag == -1) {return}; if (is.ie){var Ev = window.event}else{var Ev = e} var difX = Ev.clientX-window.lastX; var difY = Ev.clientY-window.lastY; var newX = DC[CurrDrag].GetL()+difX; var newY = DC[CurrDrag].GetT()+difY; DC[CurrDrag].SetL(newX); DC[CurrDrag].SetT(newY); window.lastX = Ev.clientX; window.lastY = Ev.clientY; return false; } function beginDrag(e, DragNum) { CurrDrag = DragNum; if (is.ie){ var Ev = window.event; document.onmousemove=doDrag; document.onmouseup=endDrag; } else{ var Ev = e; window.onmousemove=doDrag; window.onmouseup=endDrag; } DC[CurrDrag].Highlight(); topZ++; DC[CurrDrag].css.zIndex = topZ; window.lastX=Ev.clientX; window.lastY=Ev.clientY; return true; } function endDrag(e) { if (CurrDrag == -1) {return}; DC[CurrDrag].Unhighlight(); if (is.ie){document.onmousemove=null}else{window.onmousemove=null;} onEndDrag(); CurrDrag = -1; return true; } function onEndDrag(){ //Is it dropped on any of the fixed cards? var Docked = false; var DropTarget = DroppedOnFixed(CurrDrag); if (DropTarget > -1){ //If so, send home any card that is currently docked there for (var i=0; i<DC.length; i++){ if (DC[i].tag == DropTarget+1){ DC[i].GoHome(); DC[i].tag = 0; D[i][2] = 0; } } //Dock the dropped card DC[CurrDrag].DockToR(FC[DropTarget]); D[CurrDrag][2] = F[DropTarget][1]; DC[CurrDrag].tag = DropTarget+1; Docked = true; } if (Docked == false){ DC[CurrDrag].GoHome(); DC[CurrDrag].tag = 0; D[CurrDrag][2] = 0; } } function DroppedOnFixed(DNum){ var Result = -1; var OverlapArea = 0; var Temp = 0; for (var i=0; i<FC.length; i++){ Temp = DC[DNum].Overlap(FC[i]); if (Temp > OverlapArea){ OverlapArea = Temp; Result = i; } } return Result; } function StartUp(){ //Calculate page dimensions and positions pg = new PageDim(); DivWidth = Math.floor((pg.W*3)/5); DragWidth = Math.floor((DivWidth*3)/10); LeftColPos = Math.floor(pg.W/10); RightColPos = pg.W - (DragWidth + LeftColPos); DragTop = parseInt(document.getElementById('TitleDiv').offsetHeight) + 10; //Position the feedback div var CurrDiv = document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv'); CurrDiv.style.top = DragTop + 3 + 'px'; CurrDiv.style.left = Math.floor((pg.W)/3) + 'px'; CurrDiv.style.width = Math.floor(pg.W/3) + 'px'; CurrDiv.style.display = 'none'; //Shuffle the items on the right D = Shuffle(D); var CurrTop = DragTop; var TempInt = 0; var DropHome = 0; var Widest = 0; for (var i=0; i<F.length; i++){ FC[i] = new Card('F' + i); // FC[i].SetW(DragWidth); FC[i].elm.innerHTML = F[i][0] + '<br clear="all" />'; //required for Navigator rendering bug with images if (FC[i].GetW() > Widest){ Widest = FC[i].GetW(); } } if (Widest > DragWidth){Widest = DragWidth;} CurrTop = DragTop; DragWidth = Math.floor((DivWidth-Widest)/2) - 24; RightColPos = DivWidth + LeftColPos - (DragWidth + 14); var Highest = 0; var WidestRight = 0; for (i=0; i<D.length; i++){ DC[i] = new Card('D' + i); DC[i].elm.innerHTML = D[i][0] + '<br clear="all" />'; //required for Navigator rendering bug with images if (DC[i].GetW() > DragWidth){DC[i].SetW(DragWidth);} DC[i].css.cursor = 'move'; DC[i].css.backgroundColor = '#aaddaa'; DC[i].css.color = '#000000'; TempInt = DC[i].GetH(); if (TempInt > Highest){Highest = TempInt;} TempInt = DC[i].GetW(); if (TempInt > WidestRight){WidestRight = TempInt;} } var HeightToSet = Highest; if (is.ns||is.ie5mac){HeightToSet -= 12;} var WidthToSet = WidestRight; if (is.ns||is.ie5mac){WidthToSet -= 12;} for (i=0; i<D.length; i++){ DC[i].SetT(CurrTop); DC[i].SetL(RightColPos); if (DC[i].GetH() < Highest){ DC[i].SetH(HeightToSet); } if (DC[i].GetW() < WidestRight){ DC[i].SetW(WidthToSet); } DC[i].SetHome(); DC[i].tag = -1; CurrTop = CurrTop + DC[i].GetH() + 5; } CurrTop = DragTop; for (var i=0; i<F.length; i++){ FC[i].SetW(Widest); if (FC[i].GetH() < Highest){ FC[i].SetH(HeightToSet); } FC[i].SetT(CurrTop); FC[i].SetL(LeftColPos); FC[i].SetHome(); TempInt = FC[i].GetH(); CurrTop = CurrTop + TempInt + 5; } //Slide any elements that should be in position over for (i=0; i<D.length; i++){ if (D[i][2] > 0){ DC[i].tag = D[i][1]; D[i][2] = D[i][1]; var TopChange = 0; var TargetLeft = FC[D[i][2]-1].GetR() + 5; var TargetTop = FC[D[i][1]-1].GetT(); if (TargetTop < DC[i].GetT()){ TopChange = -1; } else { if (TargetTop > DC[i].GetT()){ TopChange = 1; } } Slide(i, TargetLeft, TargetTop, TopChange); } } } function Slide(MoverNum, TargL, TargT, TopChange){ var TempInt = DC[MoverNum].GetL(); if (TempInt > TargL){ DC[MoverNum].SetL(TempInt - 5); } TempInt = DC[MoverNum].GetT(); if (TempInt != TargT){ DC[MoverNum].SetT(TempInt + TopChange); } if ((DC[MoverNum].GetL() > TargL)||(DC[MoverNum].GetT() != TargT)){ setTimeout('Slide('+MoverNum+','+TargL+','+TargT+','+TopChange+')', 1); } else{ DC[MoverNum].SetL(TargL); } } F = new Array(); F[0] = new Array() F[0][0]='¿Diga?'; F[0][1] = 1; F[1] = new Array() F[1][0]='Ah! es el señor de la otra vez. Espera voy a llamarla.Me parece que está en el baño y no sé si podrá venir'; F[1][1] = 2; F[2] = new Array() F[2][0]='Oye, ¿tú le has hecho algo a mi mamá? Ella me hace siempre señas y me dice siempre bajito  dile que no estoy. '; F[2][1] = 3; F[3] = new Array() F[3][0]='Sí, pero cuando mamá trabaja me lleva al cole la vecina. Mamá me firma el cuaderno de notas. A las otras se lo firma su papá. A mí no.'; F[3][1] = 4; F[4] = new Array() F[4][0]='No, no, yo tengo cinco años. Pero di, ¿tú conocías antes a mi mamá? Ella nunca me habla de ti. Espera, ¿eh?'; F[4][1] = 5; F[5] = new Array() F[5][0]='Oh sí, y me gusta mucho bañarme y ya sé nadar. Pero di, ¿cómo conoces tú el hotel Riviera? ¿Has estado allí alguna vez?'; F[5][1] = 6; F[6] = new Array() F[6][0]='¿Tú nos quieres? Pero si yo nunca te he visto a ti. ¿Qué te pasa? ¿Por qué has cambiando de voz? ¿Estás llorando? ¿Por qué?'; F[6][1] = 7; F[7] = new Array() F[7][0]='Oye, se va.'; F[7][1] = 8; F[8] = new Array() F[8][0]='Ya se marchó.'; F[8][1] = 9; F[9] = new Array() F[9][0]='Adiós, señor.'; F[9][1] = 10; D = new Array(); D[0] = new Array() D[0][0]='Escucha, mamá ¿está ahí? Corre y dile, mamá, ven es para ti.'; D[0][1] = 1; D[0][2] = 0; D[1] = new Array() D[1][0]='Dile, por favor, que es muy importante. Que te oiga yo.'; D[1][1] = 2; D[1][2] = 0; D[2] = new Array() D[2][0]='Y dime, ¿tu casa cómo es?, ¿te gusta ir al cole?, ¿sabes ya leer?'; D[2][1] = 3; D[2][2] = 0; D[3] = new Array() D[3][0]='Dile que triste estoy desde hace ya seis años. Los mismos que tú tienes hoy.'; D[3][1] = 4; D[3][2] = 1; D[4] = new Array() D[4][0]='En julio, ¿verdad que vas a estar en el hotel Riviera? ¿Te gusta el mar?'; D[4][1] = 5; D[4][2] = 0; D[5] = new Array() D[5][0]='Que se sepa mi dolor y que mi vida sois vosotras dos.'; D[5][1] = 6; D[5][2] = 0; D[6] = new Array() D[6][0]='Dile que venga.'; D[6][1] = 7; D[6][2] = 0; D[7] = new Array() D[7][0]='Vamos, insiste.'; D[7][1] = 8; D[7][2] = 0; D[8] = new Array() D[8][0]='Si se ha marchado, ya déjalo.'; D[8][1] = 9; D[8][2] = 0; D[9] = new Array() D[9][0]='Adiós, nenita'; D[9][1] = 10; D[9][2] = 0; function Shuffle(InArray){ Temp = new Array(); var Len = InArray.length; var j = Len; for (var i=0; i<Len; i++){ Temp[i] = InArray[i]; } for (i=0; i<Len; i++){ Num = Math.floor(j * Math.random()); InArray[i] = Temp[Num]; for (var k=Num; k < j; k++) { Temp[k] = Temp[k+1]; } j--; } return InArray; } function TimerStartUp(){ setTimeout('StartUp()', 300); } function CheckAnswer(){ //Set the default score and response var TotalCorrect = 0; var Score = 0; var Response = ''; //for each fixed, check to see if the tag value for the draggable is the same as the fixed var i, j; for (i=0; i<D.length; i++){ if ((D[i][2] == D[i][1])&&(D[i][2] > 0)){ TotalCorrect++; } else{ DC[i].GoHome(); } } Score = Math.floor((100*(TotalCorrect-Penalties))/F.length); if (TotalCorrect == F.length) { Response = YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%.<br />' + CorrectResponse; WriteFeedback(Response); } else { Response = IncorrectResponse + '<br />' + YourScoreIs + ' ' + Score + '%.'; WriteFeedback(Response); Penalties++; // Penalty for inaccurate check } } function WriteFeedback(Feedback){ var Output = Feedback + '<br /><br />'; Output += '<form><input type="button" value="OK"'; Output += ' onclick="HideFeedback()"></form>'; var FDiv = document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv'); FDiv.innerHTML = Output; //Calculate and set its left setting // FDiv.style.left = ((Math.floor(pg.W/2))-(Math.floor(GetRealWidth('FeedbackDiv')/2))) +'px'; topZ++; FDiv.style.zIndex = topZ; //Add a border to the feedback div document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv').style.borderStyle = 'solid'; FDiv.style.display=''; } function HideFeedback(){ var FDiv = document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv'); FDiv.innerHTML = ''; FDiv.style.display='none'; } //--> //]]> </SCRIPT> <META content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD> <BODY background="" onload=TimerStartUp()> <DIV class=Titles id=TitleDiv> <CENTER> <FORM name=NavButtons1 action=""> <TABLE width="100%" border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=NavBar></INPUT>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM> <H3>Llora el teléfono</H3><SPAN lang=es>Arrastra con el ratón las tarjetas de la derecha para ordenar el diálogo</SPAN><BR> <FORM action=""><INPUT onclick=CheckAnswer() type=button value=Comprobar></INPUT></FORM></CENTER></DIV> <DIV class=Feedback id=FeedbackDiv></DIV> <SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript> //<![CDATA[ <!-- for (var i=0; i<F.length; i++){ document.write('<div id="F' + i + '" class="CardStyle"></div>'); } for (var i=0; i<D.length; i++){ document.write('<div id="D' + i + '" class="CardStyle" onmousedown="beginDrag(event, ' + i + ')"></div>'); } //--> //]]> </SCRIPT> </BODY></HTML>ML>